Air Gun Field Target Match at Upper Pond Course
February 16 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Field Target Air Gun Match (AAFTA rules) 15 lanes 30 targets 60 shots at Upper Pond course. Weather Permitting.
Match fee: $10 RFG members & juniors (under 16), $15 for non-RFG members.
Eye protection is required. Non-members must sign a waiver once a year.
9 AM Open Gate B
10 AM Open registration at Upper Pond area and practice range next to rifle range.
11 AM Close registration and practice range. Start shooter’s safety meeting. Group people into squads, assign them lanes and give out scorecards, pencils, clipboards and timers.
11:15 AM When all squads reach their assigned lanes, match will start (two whistle blasts).
1-3 PM Match ends with the last scorecards, pencils, clipboards and timers are handed in. Tabulate results on leader board.
3 PM Start range cleanup. Roll up pull strings back to targets.
Bring hand warmers and non-slip boot cleats if there is snow on the ground.