Membership/Joining the Club

We have a maximum membership limit which we do not exceed. Openings become available for many reasons and at any time. Submit your application as soon as you can, and we will process the wait list in the order the applications were received. Typically, we have three orientations during the year, and they are published on the club calendar.

If you are interested in membership you will need to find a sponsor who is an active member of the club in good standing and send in an application to set your place on the list.

The member sponsoring you can obtain a copy of the membership application for you.

If you lack a member to sponsor your application, you can contact our membership secretary or any member of the board for RF&G. Feel free to attend our monthly meeting or attend a public activity and make your desire known. Any of our members will point out one of our club officers for you to talk to.

Membership Demographics
Membership Limit: Members (including Probationary and Pending, excluding Life, Honorary and Military) shall comprise of no more than one thousand (1000).

Membership Applications

  1. Applicants shall:
    • Be sponsored by a Member of the Corporation who has been in good standing for at least two (2) consecutive years.
    • Be eighteen (18) years of age or older, in good repute.
    • Agree to honor and abide by the Constitution, By-laws, and rules of the Corporation, including those set forth by the Executive Board and/or Committee Chairmen.
    • Attend the scheduled New Member Orientation when notified by the Membership Secretary. Failure to attend a scheduled orientation more than two (2) times without being specifically excused by the Membership Secretary shall result in the applicant being dropped from the applicant list and necessitate the submission of a new application.
    • Applications must be mailed to the attention of the Membership Secretary via United States Postal Service.
  2. The Membership Secretary shall:
    • Give priority to applications from the immediate family of a member if received within six (6) months of the applicant’s eighteenth (18th) birthday. If no vacancies exist in the Membership Limit, such applicants shall be considered as Family Members until a vacancy occurs.
    • Review applications when received to verify sponsor status, conduct background checks, and notify the sponsor that the application has been accepted or rejected and why.
    • Maintain a waiting list in chronological order according to when the applications were received.
    • Notify applicants when membership vacancies exist. Notify their sponsors of the date, time, and location of the scheduled orientation.
  3. Membership in the Corporation shall be granted when all of the following conditions, in order, are met:
    • Appropriate membership vacancies exist within membership limit guidelines.
    • The list of applicants will be published in the newsletter, with membership category and sponsor name.
    • The applicant has been presented to the membership by his/her sponsor at the monthly meeting preceding the orientation meeting.
    • The applicant has appeared for a scheduled interview/orientation meeting. A minimum of five (5) elected officers of the Corporation shall be present.
    • The applicant receives a favorable recommendation to the Membership from the Membership Secretary and the officers at the orientation meeting.
    • The applicant has completed payment of the initiation fee, current year’s annual dues, prorated if applicable, and any other fees deemed appropriate.
    • A majority of the members present at a regular meeting vote to accept the applicant as a member.

Mandatory Work Commitment:

  1. All Probationary Members of the Corporation shall work twenty-four (24) hours during their twenty-four month Probationary Membership period. Their work hour requirements commence on the date that they became probationary members. A minimum of twelve (12) work hours must be completed during the first twelve months of probation and the balance of the twenty four (24) work hours required must be completed during the second twelve months of probation for the probationary member to be eligible for membership renewal. The work must be for the benefit of the Corporation and approved by an Executive Board member or Committee Chairmen. Failure to complete the work commitment in the allotted time will result in loss of membership. A member with extraordinary circumstances may be granted additional time by the Executive Board. Probationary members shall actually invest time in the Corporation and will not be allowed to pay the dollar substitute for hours not worked.<\li>
  2. All Regular members shall work four (4) hours per membership period in support of the Corporation’s activities. Any member not completing the minimum of four (4) hours shall pay a fee substitute per hour not worked with their subsequent membership dues. Work hours may be fulfilled by:
    • Serving as an elective officer or committee chairman.
    • Assisting with any club activity or work party.
    • Representing the Corporation’s interests at legislative, local, state and federal functions.
    • Any other activity approved by the Executive Board or Committee Chairmen.
    • Life, Honorary and Military members are exempt from work assessments.
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