Troop 1017 (Girl Scouts)
Main ClubhouseTroop 1017 (Girl Scouts)
Troop 1017 (Girl Scouts)
Hartford Surfcaster
Woodcarvers meet weekly every Thursday from 7:00pm to 9pm. (Gates open at 6:30) No skills required, come to a meeting and learn! Please come join this great group! No RSVP Required!
The Youth Programs Committee will be doing a Youth Firearms Safety Course on February 15th starting at 10 am in the Main Clubhouse. This class is open to ages 10 to 17. Weather pending this will include live fire at the range. Parent must be present throughout the course. Live fire on the range will […]
Bi-monthly Safety Committee Meeting
Monthly meetings for the Training Committee.
Vernon Republican Town Committee will be having our annual Lincoln Day breakfast.
Fly Tyer's Round Table
Events & Programs Committee Meeting