Red Cross Blood Drive – Vernon

Rockville Baptist Church 825 Hartford Turnpike, Vernon, CT, United States

Rockville Baptist Church 825 Hartford Turnpike, Vernon, CT Red Cross Blood Drives: (sign-up online at (06066 or RBC for search) 04/25/2025(Fr) 12pm – 5pm Future Drives 06/27/2025(Fr) 12pm – 5pm

Ladies Range Day

All Club Venues

Ladies Range Day (LRD) is a program designed to provide women with an opportunity to visit the range and shoot different firearms in different range settings under the guidance of our skilled volunteer members. This program allows women to try their hand at airgun, pistol, handgun, trap & skeet, black powder, fishing, and archery without […]

Red Cross Blood Drive – Vernon

Rockville Baptist Church 825 Hartford Turnpike, Vernon, CT, United States

Rockville Baptist Church 825 Hartford Turnpike, Vernon, CT Red Cross Blood Drives: (sign-up online at (06066 or RBC for search) 06/27/2025(Fr) 12pm – 5pm

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