Newsletter Articles Due

Please submit your newsletter content (articles/photos) to the RFG newsletter editor at or If you don't think you'll be able to make this deadline, let me know and I may be able to accommodate your request. For future reference, newsletter articles will be due the Monday after the members meeting/the third Monday of […]

Event Series Ladies Range Day – Newbie Meeting

Ladies Range Day – Newbie Meeting

Rockville Baptist Church 825 Hartford Turnpike, Vernon, CT, United States

Ladies Range Day meetings for Newbies (that have never worked it but would like to learn what it is) will be October 15th and November 19th. Both meetings are the ‘same’ so you only need to attend one. We meet in Fellowship Hall of Rockville Baptist Church 7-8pm. I am also looking for someone(s) that […]

Ponds Committee

Main Clubhouse

Ponds Committee meeting

Event Series Fly Fishing / Fly Tying Committee

Fly Tyers Round Table

Main Clubhouse

Meeting of the fly fishing and fly tying committee. Have you ever thought that you might want to learn how to Fly Fish, or Tie your own fly’s?  Are you an experienced Fly Fisher and tyer, and would like to learn more about your sport, and share your knowledge with other members?  Would you like to hang […]

Programs & Events Committee

Main Clubhouse

Monthly meeting of the Programs & Events Committee All members are welcome, no RSVP required.


Trap and Skeet 101 Fish & Game Road, Rockville, CT, United States

5-Stand event at the Trap & Skeet field. A challenging shooting sport similar to sporting clays. Never tried this event before? The event staff will be happy to explain and get you started! Come on down and check it out. No ticket is needed, free to watch! No advanced purchase is required. Cash payment is […]

Board Meeting

Main Clubhouse

Monthly Board Meeting. There will be no meeting in July. Please note: May 7 board meeting will be held under executive session for the board only.

Troop 1017 Girl Scouts

Trap and Skeet 101 Fish & Game Road, Rockville, CT, United States

Every Tuesday. No meetings in July or August When conflicts w/Board Meeting, occurs @ T&S

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