Event Series Rifle & Pistol Work Party

CANCELED: Rifle & Pistol Work Party

Rifle/Pistol House CT, United States

The December 15th work party has been canceled. Work party at the rifle & pistol range. A great way to get work hours! No need to RSVP, but feel free to put your name on the SignUpGenius sign-up sheet: CLICK HERE so the committee knows how many people to expect and can plan the work […]

Event Series Trap & Skeet: OPEN

Trap & Skeet: OPEN

Trap and Skeet 101 Fish & Game Road, Rockville, CT, United States

The Trap & Skeet field is open 9:00 am to 2:00 pm every Saturday, and Sunday, and 9:00 am to 2:00 pm every Wednesday during winter months. During the summer months, on Wednesday hours change to 9:00 am to legal sunset. (May through August)


Main Clubhouse

Woodcarvers meet weekly every Thursday from 7:00pm to 9pm. (Gates open at 6:30) No skills required, come to a meeting and learn! Please come join this great group! No RSVP Required!

Trap & Skeet: Work Party

Trap and Skeet 101 Fish & Game Road, Rockville, CT, United States

Work parties every other Monday. Great way to get work hours. All are welcome, no RSVP is required.


All Club Venues

In observation of the Christmas Holiday all range activities are suspended for Wednesday, December 25th.

Trap & Skeet: OPEN

Trap and Skeet 101 Fish & Game Road, Rockville, CT, United States

The Trap & Skeet field is open 9:00 am to 2:00 pm every Saturday, and Sunday, and 9:00 am to 2pm every Wednesday during winter months. During the summer months, on Wednesday hours change to 9:00 am to legal sunset. (May through August)

Event Series Trap & Skeet Committee Meeting

Trap & Skeet Committee Meeting


Rockville Fish and Game is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Trap & Skeet Committee Meeting Join Zoom Meeting Click here to Join Use this URL to connect: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83685870426 Meeting ID: 836 8587 0426 Passcode: Dial by your location • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) • +1 305 224 1968 US […]

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